In-Depth salary statistics at your disposal

Use your pay data to get insights into your organization and how you can improve your pay structure

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Identify pay groups that are non-compliant
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Generate statistics on employees
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Get an overview of compliance statistics

Pay Analysis at your hand

Pay Structure and analysis can be cumbersome and require swift Excel skills. With Pay Gap we help you get relevant statistics on your work force at the palm of your hand, saving you hours of work.

Phone App - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Preset statistics

The PayGap platform make sure you instantly can see and track the progress on all the required Pay Transparency elements.

Desktop App - Elements Webflow Library - BRIX Templates

Custom reports

If you want to dive deeper into the data, PayGap allows you to generate custom analytics all the way down to employee-level.

Get started on your PayGap reporting already today, and become compliant.

Automated analysis for your entire organization
Data preprocessing to enable accurate results
Get help to communicate and mitigate the results
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